New York…

A world of experiences in just one State…

Why should you trust our suggestions over all of the other websites that are out there? First off, we actually live in New York! We didn’t come to town, eat at one restaurant and call it the best food we’ve ever had. We are gourmands who also love a greasy spoon diner on a Saturday morning. We are wine afficianado’s who know what the best wines are, but we will also tell you the best places to go if you only like sweet wines or you just want to have a great time on a Saturday in July. We are trip advisors who actually give you good trip advice. New York has a million things to see and do - and we will give you our opinion on the best things that you can’t miss. If you don’t agree with our reviews or you know of a place to see that we missed - drop us a line and we will check it out and give you props. So, come on - See New York With Us…

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We love New York…

New York has almost 20 million residents spread over 54,500 square miles. But, New York has more things to see and do than any other state! Follow us on our adventures as we explore all of the things that the state has to offer. We will highlight the gotta sees, fun to see, and you aren’t missing anything. Along the way we will share the history, natural beauty, and unique characteristics of each region of the state while giving you our picks for the best restaurants, lodging, things to do, and sample Day Trips for you as you travel through the state. If you have any places or things to do that you feel we’ve missed, drop us a line and we will check it out and add it to the web-site. Now strap yourself in and start your virtual tour of the Empire State and all that it has to offer…